In a dystopian future, a group of five individuals called the Aristocracy rules the government. In the wake of a bomb that wiped out a good chunk of the population, a plague has ravaged the land. The Aristocracy-controlled government offers the destitute populace, who live in eternal fear of the disease, a chance at hope: do dirty work for opportunities to enter a lottery for a vaccine. Heroine Amy is one such opportunist, who takes a job to fix a broken-down reactor. What she doesn’t expect to find there, however, is a man on the verge of death who gives her a very important task.
The dystopian future aesthetic might be common these days, but Shardlight’s low-res take on the trope is quite stunning: the hand-animated pixel graphics have a life and detail to them that really sets the game apart from the pack. Our demo consisted of a scene where we attempted to restart the broken reactor, which involved finding a numerical code. The developers are making a conscious attempt to reduce the number of “inventory puzzles”, instead bestowing Amy with a crossbow she can use to interact with various objects in the environment. Shardlight’s still a ways off yet it’s estimated to be about 2/3rds complete but that’s all the more time to get yourself excited for it.
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