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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Quantum Break now contains 100% more famous people

Max Payne / Alan Wake creators Remedy Entertainment have confirmed via a sneaky tweet that their upcoming time-obsessed, Xbox One-exclusive third-person shooter Quantum Break is being bolstered by a pair of Hollywood actors you may recognise: Shawn Ashmore and Dominic Monaghan. Ashmore is perhaps best known (to us, anyway) as Iceman / Bobby Drake in the X-Men  film series, while you may know Monaghan as Charlie Pace in  Lost  or Meriadoc Brandybuck in Peter Jackson’s  The Lord of the Rings.

Remedy tweeted a photo of the pair in full motion-capture gear. Ashmore and Monaghan have both dabbled in video game work before, with the former voicing Iceman back in a 2006 X-Men video game and the latter portraying agent Ennis Cole in a series of live-action trailers for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Quantum Break is set to launch next year and will be accompanied by a live-action TV show, the events of which will be altered by players’ in-game choices.

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