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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bombshell: Hell hath no fury like a half bionic woman scorned.

The “Washington Incident” was more than just another bombing, for Shelly Harrison anyway. The resultant explosion did not just cost her an arm, but the squad she loved as her own family. Down but not out, she was approached with a mission to avenge her squad utilizing a mechanical arm structured from unidentified remnants discovered after the Washington Incident.

Her mission send her on a journey across the galaxy, exploring four planets as a mercenary for hire now known as Bombshell. She continues on this path, no longer driven by just revenge, but by the fate of the president...and the planet.

In the wake of the law-suit between 3D Realms and Gearbox Software for the intellectual property rights for Duke Nukem, 3D Realms and Interceptor Entertainment moved on to create a new IP which is coming in the form of Bombshell.

This isometric action role-playing title is powered by Unreal Engine and is said to have a never-seen-before arsenal of destructive weapons. The developers were looking to explore the Action RPG genre and have included a host of genre crossing gameplay such as experience points, upgrades, side quests and nonlinear levels.

Bombshell’s mechanical arm will have more than 10 weaponized arm modifications and a set of finishing moves sure to give her an edge over enemies.

Interactive environments offer dynamic gameplay, each environment designed to capture the unique planets such as Kyrron, a dying world consumed by its neighbouring sun and Zeroth a civilization frozen in time.

The isometric view, RPG elements and action riddled gameplay look to make Bombshell a fascinating title. It will be available for PC and PS4 only.

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