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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Destiny! Get your Guardian off on the right track with these seven sultry tips.

 Destiny Review
It’s easy to miss or forget about notifications you receive in the heat of a battle, so when you get some downtime between firefights take a look at your character screen to check if you have any new items or upgrades available. New weapons or armour will be marked by a glowing white square beside the relevant slot, and after highlighting them you can hold the compare button to quickly check if they are an improvement on your current setup. Always equip the best you have available and dismantle any lower level items that you no longer need, as this will award you with additional Glimmer to buy better gear with later and can also unlock useful materials for future use.

Make sure you always aim for headshots during combat as these deal significantly more damage, taking out lower level enemies in just one or two hits and reducing bosses’ health much quicker too. Even from a distance they can be devastating, especially when combined with a high powered sniper rifle. This applies to PvP modes as well, so aim high in Crucible matches to get a competitive edge.

Whenever you go to the Tower, visit the bounty Tracker in the courtyard and stock up on bounties, as these provide a fast way to earn extra XP and level up. You can have up to five active at once, and can check your progress in your inventory. Pick challenges that match your current play mode, so if you spend most of your time in PvP then get your fill of crucible bounties, or go for Vanguard if you prefer to be out on missions.

The Motion Tracker in the top left corner of your screen provides several useful functions. Firstly, the small white arrow on the outside will always be pointing towards your current objective while on a mission, though if you need additional direction then bringing up the Game Status screen will place a more visible marker in the area. Next there are the threat indicators, which light up red when an enemy is nearby. The centre circle represents an area of about eight metres surrounding your character and flashes if an enemy is within melee range, so if you don’t know where they are you should quickly jump to escape them. The wedges show a bad dude is between nine and 23 metres in the marked direction, and the outer edges signify that a foe is 24+ metres away they will also appear dimmer if your assailant is above or below you.

When choosing which pieces of armour to equip, consider more than just their individual defence ratings as many items that are rated as uncommon or above will also provide beneficial stat buffs. Increasing Intellect reduces the cooldown time of your Super ability, boosting Discipline will shorten the cooldown time for grenades, and a higher Strength level means less cooldown time between melee attacks. If you find armour that provides a decent increase to any of these attributes, it’s
usually best to equip it over plain items even if they have higher defence.

After each confrontation, take some time to search the area for items dropped by defeated enemies. At the very least there should be ammo drops to top up all of your weapons, and there’s also the possibility of finding new guns, encrypted engrams and other useful items the tougher the enemies, the more likely you are to find something decent left behind. Don’t worry too much about missing engrams though, as any that you don’t pick up are mailed to you by the Tower Postmaster once you’ve completed your mission. Also keep an eye out for Golden chests, of which there are five in each region of the map. Not only do these grant you a decent amount of Glimmer to spend, but regardless of the order you collect them in they also provide increasing levels of rewards locate all five on earth, for example, and you’ll receive an Uncommon Sparrow upgrade to ride on.

When you start to face tougher enemies, you’ll notice that some of them are surrounded by coloured shields which make them practically invulnerable to standard attacks. These are elemental shields, and the colour corresponds to the type of weapon that inflicts maximum damage against them blue is weak to Arc damage, orange is vulnerable to Solar attacks, and Void damage should be used
against purple shields. Try to hold at least one weapon of each element type so that you don’t come up against an enemy that you can’t deal with.

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Item Reviewed: Destiny! Get your Guardian off on the right track with these seven sultry tips. Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown
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